
Todos os inícios acabam em dó

with Mariana Viana

Todos os inícios acabam em dó (in Portuguese, “dó” means the musical note C, and also grief and compassion) is a collection of beginnings. It’s a play, a book, a record and a reading session, potentially.

two bodies that push each other to get to know themselves. a stage that starts to melt. a door that opens in the back of an empty room. a landscape, a horizon, a drawing. a flood perceived only when the water reaches the knees. a postcard that begins with the sentence c’est un début. some letters not sent and others not answered. a song ending in C. an unforgiving end. an emptying of a body from inside. and the possibility to start all over again, continuously. – Mariana Viana and Marta Ramos

Through movement, words, drawing and music, a multiplicity of beginnings is being built and dramaturgically stitched between the territories of reality and imagination, between biographical stories and their fiction.

Julho 2019 – Artistic Residency Forum Dança
January 2021 – Artistic Residency Alkantara

© Vera Marmelo

© Vera Marmelo

© Vera Marmelo